Published for the 4th Fair of Comics in Lugano, an adventure novel in which Special Agent Alfa moves within the walls of a museum of the future, which also houses a reproduction of holographic Dylan Dog : 34 pages written for the occasion by screenwriter John Gualdoni, designed by Alessandro Piccinelli and enclosed by a magnificent cover signed by Claudio Villa.
Story is old-fashioned, like those made in the 90s. A brief history complete with a meaning, a moral and, of course, a didactic purpose-promotional, and not a flash sketched as the most recent short stories. It is, however, an unusual short story, as it is also a team-up and a cross-over. In 2013 Gualdoni wrote another short story for the fair of Lugano, starring Dylan Dog. This time the protagonist is Nathan, and the story is thus set in the future, but the echoes of history Dylan Dog return. Not only back even Dylan himself, although in the form of a hologram, a sign that the team-up released in DD Color Fest 12 a year ago should not be considered an isolated play. An interesting experiment for me, in fact. Gualdoni, then, is the screenwriter Neveriano - despite being the latest addition to the staff - with more attention to the continuity of the series, and in a story like this is able to enter both the War of the Worlds and its consequences that yet another robot tries to humanity.