La scure incantata / L'astronave degli esseri perduti 

MM 242, 243
May, 2002



An incorrigible collector of Scottish origin, a hatchet endowed with mysterious powers and a handful of old dime-novels - those cheap adventure books that were all the rage two centuries ago - centering on a strange folksy sort of man living in the forests of Darkweed… How much truth is there in the legends that speak of Za-The-Nay, the Man with the Hatchet? Martin and Java hardly need any other prompting and off they go, chasing after the faint traces of the myth, all the way to Bird Center, where it seems that everything began!

What are those goons in the pay of the sinister Virus looking for, down there under Za-Te-Nay’s hut? And, most important, why? After a close shave with death, and a miraculous escape thanks to the assistance of a chubby Mexican, who introduces himself as Colonel Martínez, the brave “Man with the Hatchet” confronts his enemy with the utmost determination. But what if he’s mistaken the target? Judging from the comments offered by the old inmate of a nursing home for the aged at Bird Center, whom Martin and Java happen to come across in our present-day time, Virus appears to have been some sort of benefactor, as it were, a merciful lord protector of the world…

Man with the Hatchet is Zagor! Colonel Martinez is Chico, profesor Virus is Hellingen (Zagor biggest enemy).

Also we see many references on Zagor episodes.